Author: cogmios
Obsidian – a second brain
Obsidian Obsidian is one of the applications which helps you model the world around you, where the application allows several approaches to approach this. I tried in the past years several approach to this but at the moment it is my main hub for dropping in information for both personal use as well as for…
De waterschapsbelasting (zie ook is de afgelopen 10 jaar 100 euro duurder geworden (althans voor mijn huishouden) en de afgelopen 2 jaar 50 euro duurder. Deze belasting wordt gebruikt voor het onderhoud en de versterking van dijken, duinen en andere waterkeringen. Daarnaast wordt met deze heffing ook het waterpeil beheerd en wordt de waterkwaliteit…
Updating WordPress Plugins
Took a multi-year long break from PHP, WordPress, Plugins, etc. Let’s see if I can reboot on this. PHP development Environment
Sleeping Cats
One of my favorite game soundtracks (and games) is Sleeping Dogs, here I tried on to create a song that could have been part of that soundtrack.
Un voyage au coeur de la pensée, version petit théâtre
A french happy pop song with the idea of ” what if Aristotle would walk around us now” created on udio.
Repeating numbers, mirrored grace, Eleven-eleven, a mirrored face. Is it a warning, a whispered plea? Or just a trick of memory? 01:11 01:11 01:11 0:11 0:11 0:11 0:11 0:11 We seek the message, the hidden thread, In mirrored digits, what is said? A glimpse of future, a life defined? Or just the patterns of the…